
Trip Group Map#

This map shows each “trip group”: a routing that was optimal for at least part of the time during the analysis window. Line width is based on the percent of the overall time for which that routing was optimal.

There were 2 total trip groups for this analysis.

In all maps, origins are in green and destinations in orange.

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Auto Travel Time Comparison Map#

For each trip group, this map shows the ratio between the best-case transit travel time and the median car travel time (based on Streetlight data including congested conditions).

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Route-aggregated Map#

This map does not map individual trip groups, but instead aggregates all trip groups using a particular transit route. It shows which routes are most often used across all trip groups.

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Transfer Count Map#

For each trip group, this map shows the number of transfers.

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Vallejo: One way around the loop is faster once onboard, but wait times mean the optimal trip sometimes goes the long way ‘round